Nikki Haley and Atlantic Beach Bikefest – Updated

The entire meeting took all of approximately 15 minutes – a complete waste of time.

To her credit, Haley refused to meet with the Atlantic Beach Town Council in executive session after arriving for the meeting, so a short open-session meeting resulted. A minor victory for freedom of information.

Haley addressed council for a short time, during which Haley said she would help Atlantic Beach return to the prosperity it enjoyed in the 1940’s if it would end its Memorial Day Bikefest.

Atlantic Beach Mayor Jake Evans said the town would appreciate any help that was offered, but Memorial Day Bikefest would continue.

Meeting adjourned.

You have to wonder what this was all about. Couldn’t there have been advance planning between Haley and Atlantic Beach officials so they actually accomplished something?


By Paul Gable

A challenge is planned to the executive session of a special meeting of Atlantic Beach Town Council and Gov. Nikki Haley today.

I have spoken to at least two individuals who plan to question the legality of the planned executive session.

However, the challenge will be futile tomorrow as these supposed public officials will do exactly as they want and go behind closed doors for secret discussions.

Secret government is bad government by definition.

Haley, unfortunately, is reluctant to allow the public to know just what she is doing most of the time, often with good reason. This seems to be another example of her wanting to operate beyond the public eye.

What is discussed in secret tomorrow will leak to a great extent as it always does. But, it will come in bits and pieces and over time so the overall scheme, whatever it is, can’t be challenged.

Of one thing you can be certain – What is discussed in secret will not be in the best interests of the people who voted for these players.

If it were in the best interests of the public, you couldn’t keep the spotlights and sound systems away.

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